How You Can Have A Lasting Positive And Productive Mindset Going Into 2021

How You Can Have A Lasting Positive And Productive Mindset Going Into 2021 By Kelly Bond We are living in monumental times. 2020 was a year that unexpectedly changed our lifestyles. We were restricted from seeing loved ones. We learned how to work from home. We switched from in-person appointments to virtual appointments . The way we cope with the aftermath of 2020 will determine our outlook going into 2021. To have a positive mindset means that we are aware of how actions affect our physical and mental health. Positivity includes setting healthy boundaries that drive humans towards productivity. Positivity has a branch in psychology, Positive Psychology , that aims to help humans live fulfilling lives. Positivity comes from "well-being and purpose" than focusing on the bad. Here are some ways you can build a positive and productive mindset. Practicing Gratitude Mindfulness meditation is a popular form of practicing gratitude. M...