The Importance of Visual Aids for Autism

Is communicating with your child hard due to autism? Most children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are visual learners meaning they can better comprehend visual information rather than auditory. By using visual information to aid your child, you are reducing the frustration for yourself and mostly your child. So what are visual aids or supports? Visual support refers to using a picture or any other visual item to help communicate to children who have difficulty with language. Visual support comes in a variety of ways from photographs to drawings or even written words. Many non-verbal kids utilize the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) which uses picture symbols to help children with ASD to communicate effectively. The main characteristics of ASD are challenges interacting socially with other peers, family members, etc. As well as that, many children have difficulty using language, limited interests, or unwarranted changes in routines. Therefore, by utilizing...