8 Tips for a Healthier Technology Experience that will Save Your Career

                                       8 Tips for a Healthier Technology Experience that will Save Your Career
                                                                                       By Anna Conners

                                                 State of Mind: Teletherapy Is Increasingly Used to Addresses ...

As more and more working people make the switch to learning how to thrive in a digital world, they also begin to understand the mental toll associated with some aspects of technology. Though the advancement of technology is a limitless innovation, providing many with an opportunity for connection and promotion they would’ve never had otherwise, it also can have a very negative impact on our mental health without us even realizing it.

The key for therapists, teachers, influencers, and employees relying on the use of staring at a screen to complete tasks all lies within mental awareness and stability. This can be seen in establishing a balance of screen time with other activities, and in knowing personal and emotional limitations when it comes to usage. Especially within a time of digital necessity amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for an employee to remain active and consistent online has never been greater.

With this new sense of digital consistency, employees tend to establish habits and routines that aren’t always conducive to productivity, but may seem like they are. For instance, the idea of burying oneself into work to distract from COVID’s lockdown measures may seem logical, but there is a fine line between hardworking and overworking. Working remotely can feel less effective in completing projects compared to a day in the office, but it is important to track progress by actual output and specific objectives rather than by time spent.

 Additionally, for many struggling to balance home and work environments that are now being forced to merge, knowing where to dedicate time to and what to prioritize and when has become increasingly difficult to navigate between. There is a right time to work and be on screen, but there is also a right time to spend with family, call a friend, be in nature, or have a movie night, totally screen-free. 

Below, I will share some tips I discovered in my research to better impact a reliant technology user’s experience holistically, and to ensure a balanced approach to a healthier mental health within automation:

Schedule Mapping

Establishing a daily schedule that emphasizes variety and a mix between work, home, and self is core to staying on top of your mental health. Make sure to incorporate multiple break times throughout the day, create a separate space in your home to work, and have designated technology free activities.

Nutrition and Exercise
The importance of the combination of daily activity and healthy eating is one that will boost both physical and mental properties. When working from home, it is easy to fall into a cycle of inactivity, especially when many gyms are closed and we have become fully responsible for sustaining ourselves. Yet not only does getting some daily movement increase mood and endorphins, but will also help to alleviate the stress and anxiety related to our new normal.

Self Care

Another aspect of health that many working professionals, home or in office, struggle with is taking some time off to focus on yourself. Amid all the inner-workings of home and family life, it may seem impossible to get a second of peace and quiet doing something you enjoy. But prioritizing self is truly essential during this time, and will allow you to promote your own wellness and perform better in all aspects of your remote environment.

The Power of Connection
Though each of us is individually navigating the circumstances of COVID-19 and shifts in our daily lives, we are not alone and can take much comfort in our ability to interact with friends and family, sharing fears and feelings. Even just scheduling time at the end of the day to catch up with a friend will help to feel much less isolated and much more connected.
Fine Lines 
When constantly being at home with no way to get out and do anything, it becomes challenging to create a boundary between your personal and professional life. But there are proven methods to setting healthy work boundaries, and actually becoming even more productive and satisfied in your home life. This can be seen in finding a balance that works for you, and minimizing the overwhelming aspects of scheduling and time prioritization. 

A Positive Mindset
A major aspect of mental health that is very often overlooked is your mindset. Your mental approach to the situation you’re in is way more important than it seems, and letting go of negative thoughts will allow for a better work-life experience. Be careful not to jump to negative conclusions, but instead separate realistic fear from irrational, and shape your perspective into one that is valid and positive.
Media Consumption
In building on a positive mindset, your media consumption should also be carefully monitored to promote a healthy intake of knowledge and news. It is perfectly understandable to want constant coverage on the pandemic and its timeline, but also very necessary to make sure your sources are credible and not just “sensationalizing” events.
The Sleep Factor
Lastly, a healthy sleep schedule will be a huge contributing factor to mental health and well-being. This can be maintained by ending technology usage hours before bedtime, and engaging in relaxing activities before you lay down so that you can sleep easier. A well-rested person will often have a better temperament and mood, and a greater energy level to be productive during the day.

                                                                                           Now what?

In acknowledging these helpful tips for a stable and healthy mental health, it is also critical to note some warning signs of what an unhealthy mental state looks like. A few attributes to keep in mind are if you feel like you can’t focus anymore, are easily distracted by everything, and become agitated and irritable frequently. In addition, closely monitor your stress and anxiety levels that can present themselves in physical ailments, over-worrying and micromanaging, and  inconsistent sleep patterns. Other signs that you may need to take a step back and reassess your work-life balance would be if you are getting less work done than usual, or are feeling increasingly unsatisfied or unhappy with your job position

Now that I have covered some ways to improve your remote work experience, let’s remember the reason that we use technology and how beneficial it can be to your career if used properly. The ability to work from home is cost-efficient for your business and convenient for you and your clients. Your clients can feel more comfortable in their own home, and you can greatly profit from engaging in real-time monitoring which wasn’t possible priorly. You are now also able to not only capitalize on the ease of scheduling a greater number of appointments in your work week, but also in expanding your reach of gaining and attracting customers online. 

So back to having a positive mindset … make the most of your professional situation and create a healthy balance that will keep you and your loved ones much happier! Focus on the fact that you are the master of your own schedule and life, and you are capable of being your best self with your new understanding of prioritization and healthy living. 

About Ready Set Connect is a secure HIPAA certified online therapy software for clinicians and educators. We are dedicated to providing better care to patients both in person and virtually. 

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