How to Fully Prepare for Remote Learning and Living

How to Fully Prepare for Remote Learning and Living 💻 By Anna Conners As we all work together to cope with our new way of life amid COVID-19, we learn to adapt and grow into more dynamic people, both personally and professionally. One of these adaptations includes the switch to remote learning, which has been a staple of dissatisfaction and difficulty with many students over the past few months, including myself. The ability to interact and physically learn in a hands-on environment is something I will never again take for granted or view in the same way. I’m here to share my recent college remote learning experience with you, and provide some tips to manage expectations and be prepared for a fully online curriculum. Along with many of my peers, I was not at all ready to remove myself from my campus and revert to a Zoom-focused learning experience. This is due to the fact that for many of us, online teaching was just one new component of many that we would have to get used ...